Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Project Three: Gallery, Shop/House


During my many travels to Newtown it is evident that the social behaviour is totally different to that of the inner city. The inner city is very busy and everyone is in a rush but in Newtown there is a more relaxing atmosphere, a more boheimem feel.
Newtown is mostly combined of old buildings dating but to the 19th and 20th Century as most have become heritage listed, making their removal difficult, but because of these old buildings Newtowns atmosphere siezes to exist. Without this unique quality Newtwon would just be another suburb near the city.
I choose site 2 for my project as i liked the idea of a back entrance alley way. Alley ways in Newtwown are very regular but most lead to carparks as is evident in the images below. Site two's alley way was linear with pockects hang out until it reaches the wall of the neighbouring building. Alley ways are seen as dangerous and scary and i wanted to get rid of these stereotypes and open up the secluded and 'private alleyway' to a more public domain. This was achieved with the creation of another alley way on the side of the building attaching to King Street to the Back Alley Way.

Site two is located towards the end of Newtwon where King St and Enmore St collide. This gives the building a great view of both the bottom and top ends of newtown.

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